Hi again... just posted a .. "post" few mins ago .. Nothing else to do.. no one online.. monkey just died.
Haha.. now,
I'm all alone.. sitting on the floor.. cousin abandoned me.. brother came but i pushed him away cause he was making weird noises ... (Not in the "sick" way)
Oh and here's a funny .. uhh.. a funny thingy..
I was at the gift shop wondering what to buy for Daivinn... And I remembered that he's dirty minded. So, I saw a g-string and wanted to buy it for him.. Hahaha.. Yea...
I'm so damn freaking fucking annoyingly bored!!! :'(
There's this retarded (mentally) "girl" (she looks like 15/16/40) who keeps making a sound that sound like a toad.. I wonder how she does it.. She was watching BARNEY!! Psh! So childish! And then she said out loud : Baby bob! lol... Then she sang : I am YOUR friend! You are MY friend! We are BEST friends! Now I'm HAPpy! Lol... it was so funny and annoying..
Lonely! I am so lonely! I have nobodyyy!! I'm on my own!!! Oooohhhh!!!
*British accent* My buttock hurts so bad from sitting on the floor.. *Ms.Swan Smile*
Do you guys like Coach Hines?
Oh and question of the day :
Does your butt hurt when you sit too long on the ground?
Random word of the day :
OOlii waka waka toot toot tit!
Bye bye!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Still not gone :D
Posted by Sherlyne at 6:20 PM 0 comments
LAX Airport
Holasss!!! I'm now in the LAX airport. Just left Vegas ... Bye bye , sick place!
Anywaysss, I'm sitting on the floor :) Haha.. why? Because it's the only place where I cant charge the laptop. My cousin brother's butt is in pain but he's still sitting on the floor.
The funny thing is,
When I was sitting on the floor, this fat man walked pass me and farted so loud that even my grandma who's in heaven can hear him! After that he puked... -.-
He vomits really loud... but not as loud as his fart..
There he is *Glares* Walking pass.. Acting all innocent.. Grrrrrr....
Haha.. I bought gifts for you guys already! (Edison)
A little boy is playing football with his daddy
Lol.. I regret wearing jeans..
My butt hurts now :D
So does my back.. *Bone crack* Ouch!
I'm practically describing everything that I'm doing
7 seconds ago, I found out that my other cousin brother, Jo, is back from Australia :D:D:D:D
Oh oh oh! Bye bye! Gtg now..
Wow.. cousin is really in pain..
Who cares? Hahaha.. not me!!! Muahahahahahahahahahahah!!
I wanna meet Coach Hines!!! He's a funny man!
Oh and i love black people.. :D
Bye bye!
Posted by Sherlyne at 6:12 PM 0 comments
The Rembrandts - I'll be there for you (Friends theme song)
Lyrics :
So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Your job's a joke, you're broke, your life's a D.O.A
It's like you're always stuck in second gear
When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month or even your year, but
Chorus :
I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you
Cause you're there for me too
You're still in bed at ten and work began at eight
You've burned your breakfast so far, things are going great
Your mama warned you there'd be days like this
But she didn't tell you when the world has brought you down to your knees, and
Chorus :
I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you
Cuase you're there for me too
No one could ever know me
No one could ever see me
Since you're the only one who knows what it's like to be me
Someone to face the day with
Make it through all the best with
Someone who always laughs at
Even when I'm at my worst, I'm best with you
Chorus :
I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you
Cause you're there for me too
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
Cause you're there for me too
:'( So sad.. I miss that show..
Posted by Sherlyne at 12:01 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 27, 2009
Friends :)
Dont you just miss this show? I hate how it ended.. the last part is so sad! This song means so much.. Lyrics on the next post. I downloaded this song to my music player.. obviously in my blog ;)
Posted by Sherlyne at 11:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I'm am a lucky girl :)
I have a one thing that most people don't have. And those are, FRIENDS.
My friends are perfect. 4 of them loves me and I can tell. Pei Ying, Jean, Dayana and Annli.
Who could ask for better friends?
Could you find trustable, loving, loyal, out-going(well.. 2 of them are out-going), caring, weird, annoying, unusual, crazy, stupid, beautiful, retarded, different friends everywhere? No you cant..
Those words I said describes my best friends... Their stupid, loving, beautiful, retarded, crazy and sometimes hyper.. though I'm the hyper one.
They've been helping me alot.. Though I might have gotten in lots of fights with Annli, she's still very important to me.. Even if I'm not important to her, I would never leave her out from my heart .
I dont like fighting but sometimes, having a fight is for the best.
It's always difficult to tell them how you feel cause you might think they'll get angry or something.. It's true.. they will. That's how me and Jean got our fight.. It was so stupid but I enjoyed it :) It gives me memories.. we fight cause we love each other.
And sometimes, you may get angry at your friends for what they said.. but the other friend helps defend her.. That's how I had my first fight with Pei Ying.. It was horrible but things worked out in the end :)
I hate it when someone wants attention, too sensitive and annoying.. That's how I had my fight with Dayana. She was getting into my nerves. But now, I totally understand her :) Though sometimes she can get annoying. *Glares* But I love her :)
So... I don't want any other friends.. I just want 4 of them... Their all so perfect :) I couldn't imagine any other amazing people like them :)
I love you Jean, Pei Ying, Dayana and Annli! You guys made my day everyday :)
Posted by Sherlyne at 9:17 PM 0 comments
My name is Sherlyne.. :D
Heyzz! Hahaha.. I didn't have any ideas for a title :D
Me and my cousin brother just fought over a pair of ear plugs.. hehe. :)
My dad snores alot and 4 of us are sharing the same room.. suck-ish right?
Me and 3 boys -.- ... I'd rather share a room with a hairy coconut ... ;)
Haha.. anyways, I'm gonna be driving around with my family tomorrow.. we're gonna go to the Golden bridge!!! Woot woot!
Oh and got to watch Aliens In The Attic!! The show I've been wanting to watch for sooo long!!! Hehe.. Robert Hoffman :$
Grrrr... I don't care if any of you have watched Aliens In The Attic and thinks it's lame!! Cause if you think it's lame, YOU'RE LAME!!!! Muahahahahahahaahah!!!
*Clears throat* I am now breathing and typing :)
Oh oh oh!! And and and!!! We went to San Francisco's china town and it was AWEESOMEE!! There's actually a Malaysian!! I felt so at home!!!
I wanna go back to K.L!!!
You know what my flight to L.A was like? It was horrifiying!!! Terrible!!! Disgusting!! Smelly..
Why you ask?! BECAUSE!!!
This stupid punjabies(I'm just calling the punjabi guy and woman stupid.. not the religion)are like soo disgusting!!!
This FAT punjabi man was sitting infront of us because he's not allowed to sit with his wife(cause thier both on wheel chairs and their really old)!!! He keeps farting!!!!Garrhh!!!
Horrible! Horrible! He only farts when he's asleep you know! Isn't that weird?! My dad made a funny joke ... you know what he said?
He said : *Using a newspaper to blow the fart away;whispering* Aiyoh!! So smelly! That idiot havent shit for 1 year wan! This people very dirty you know!
Hahahaha!!! I laughed so hard!! And and and!! That man's wife(I'm also surprised that he could even get a wife) is soo gross! And dirty!
She used 2 of her fingers to brush her teeth!!! And not in the restroom! In the plane!! EWWW!!!
My dad joked : *Whispering* I bet ah, that guy always let his wife smell his buttock while the wife is sleeping
HAHAHAHA!!! My dad funny or what? Well,, sometimes only lah!
Haha.. haaaaa....
I guess I should sleep now.. bye bye!See you guys soon! :)
One again - I am not being offensive to any religions. I am teasing the two stupid people who happens to be Punjabies. Do not be offended.
TEE HEE! (Copyrighted from Nigahiga)
Posted by Sherlyne at 12:59 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Note for Lexa :D Hahaha.. obvious title,eh?
Hey lexa!!! I miss talking to you! It's like whenever you're on, I'm off! Grrr.. hehe..
How's your modelling? Awesome? :) Yea.. so uh.. hi!!!! How's life? I bought a new jacket in Santa Barbara :) It's awesome !
Oh and I met this lady with a adorable dog!!! It's soo cute! But it was terrified of everything.. haha
How old are you again? 15 , 16? Haha.. sorry .. I forgotten.. :D Oh and.. Can I have your full name? I'm just really curious ...
My full name is : Ooi Sherlyne :)
I like australian full names!! :) Make that Love..
Tell me? Thanks! Hehe..
Bye! Take care!
Posted by Sherlyne at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
Grrr... no title.. haha ^_^
Well, hello there ;)
Today I went to the Universal Studios, L.A and it was so damn freaking fun!!! *Cough* And cold! *Cough*
Anywayssss,,, our first ride was the "Universal Studio Tour" !!! It was so cool! We visited stages where celebs flimed some movies and we also went on an "adventure", haha..
After that, Me, my cousin and my brother went to the The Mummy, The ride.. Hahaha.. The and The.. lol. It was so fun! At first, we thought that it was gonna be too scary (except me:D )..I called my cousin and my brother a "pussy" Haha.. But at the end, we went on the ride and..
It was so damn damn damn fast... It even says that it was on high speed. And and and!!! It was kinda like a roller coaster.. I barely screamed :P It was so cool! I wasn't scary a bit! But I think if my dad went on it, he'll be dead by now.. haha. Jk, jk.
After that, we went to the Jurastic Park. We got so wet! Well, for me, not really wet. I was hiding behind my cousin :D My dad was really wet :)
After that, we ate ... Interesting yea?
We went for the special effect thingy and it was soo funny! Except for the "Chucky" part.. that stupid doll.. -.-
Ohter than that, it was fun ^_^. I have soo many vids and pics!! But tomorrow, we're going for a roadtrip to Santa Babara... dunno howta spell.
Just finished talking to Mr.V :)
Anyways,,, my dad is taking a pic of me and I'm giving him a bored look.. -.- <--- Like that :)
Grrr.. I HATE camera flashes !! :@
My brother is now bathing.. sharing room with 3 boys. it sucks
And my dad lost the bear he bought me and now he's blaming me -.-
The bear was so cute! And you know what he said?! He said : Aiyah!! Next time dont want to buy anything for you already! Heeeee! (You know what heeee means right? Its like that angry vice thing)
My brother takes a long time to bath.. he's in there for already 45 Minutess
Is this the longest post so far? Oh well.. You guys want me to post any vids?
Just tell me what you want me to do in my chat box.. :)
Posted by Sherlyne at 8:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Hey peesple and Operah!! Hahaha.. today was fun!
Blah blah blah ya di dadadada boo boo cha cha glee glee and we went to the Ninja Assasin premiere and saw this celeb called : Rain
Lol.. I dont even know that show.. but my "bro" does.. His annoying :P
Anyways.. While we were at the premiere, this Hobo came up to my bro and said : You know Bruce Lee and Michael Jackson!? Their still the same but they're skeletons now!!! Hahaha.. my brother walked away awkwardly and the hobo said : What the heck?!
Hahaha.. I was standing beside my cousin brother who was taking a vid of celebs.. haha.. so funny.. silly hobo!
And, today we hired a limo and went almost everywhere!! We're going to the Universal Studios tomorrow.. It is now 11:28 p.m in L.A and 3:28p.m in Malaysia..And today is Thursday while Malaysia is Friday :D
It's so cold here! Well, not really.. mostly during night time.
People here are kinda rude.. I heard that people in San Fransico is polite :D But I dont give a damn
I already bought some gifts for some of our classmates.. I miss lexa :(
Hahahaa.. she a nice girl!
Well,, any of you miss me? :D Hahaha... I'm damn emo right now..
Heard that Annli is going to China this Sunday :( Bye Annli! Have fun! :)
Oh and I found out my results.. I hated myself for that.. I'll keep it o myself ? ;)
Woot woot! I woke my dad up.. Poor daddy..
I miss my classmates!!! :'( My family!! Hehe..
I'm soo cold man! Miley Cyrus dissed New Moon.. BITCH! Hehe.. :) No not really
Well, i gtg. I try to go online AND post as much as I can..
Byebye!! lOVE YOU GUYS!
Posted by Sherlyne at 11:21 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I love you guys so much.. <3
Heyzz!!!! Just finished talking to Daivinn.. he's so sweet! Who knew he would be that nice to me? Aw... I'm gonna miss you too, Daivinn! And you're hair!
Anyways, I'm leaving to L.A tomorrow..:( I dont think I'm gonna be enjoying.. I might not be able to come online nor make a post..
But the most saddest thing of all, I'm leaving my beloved classmates... My second family <3
So.. I made this thingy for the whole class..
Dear Edison,
If you're reading this, I hope you understand that I really love you guys :) You guys are like my everything and having to leave is really hard. We've fight with one another but in every bad words we say to each other, it's killing ourselves. Some of you may not care about how we're gonna be in different classes and all but I know that deep down inside, you really feel miserable but you just dont see it.
I wont be attending the class party. I wont be getting my results with everyone. And mostly, I wont be with you guys. My L.A trip is gonna be miserable.. Just thinking that I'm abandoning you guys.
I just cant see us being seperated.. It's like we're all meant to be together. Going to Secondary is just a minor thing. We'll still see each other . Some of us may leave. But we wont ever forget our memories and past. Our Edison memories will last forever. The memories of us fighthing, loving, going through hard things, making each other laugh, teasing one another, having cat fights(you know who you are), having jealousy and having to be together.
Does are the memories I would never forget. And though we may move on and might forget about each other. That would be heart breaking..
I love you guys so much that I would give up my laptop for you guys..BUT I WONT ! haha..
Bye, guys! Remember that I'll always love you for who you are :D
Posted by Sherlyne at 5:55 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 15, 2009
^_^ 0.0 ::D (::)

Posted by Sherlyne at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Hahaha.. the last part is soo hillarious.. Haha! =)
Anyways,, hope you enjoy! :)
Lexaa!! I miss you so much!
Posted by Sherlyne at 5:20 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
SNL Taylor Swift - Monologue Song (Lalala)
Go Taylor! Go Taylor!
Posted by Sherlyne at 4:21 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Holass!!! I had an great idea!!!
On every of my post on both of my blogs, I'll have a "RANDOM WORD OF THE DAY" !!!!
What'd ya think?!?!?!? AWESOME RIGHT?!?!?!?! DUH!Hehehe..
self sentered moment !!
Anywaysss,,, I went shopping with Jean yesterday..
it was KINDA fun except for the fact that her mom wont let her go with me and my dad :(
But her mom and sis are AWESOME!! Their so cool!
And I found out that Lavender(Sorry.. I dont know how to spell.. and she's jean's sister) is on the advertisment for --->>>
Random word of the day : HAWA-BANGA!!!!
Posted by Sherlyne at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Fart noises... hehe :}
Holaaazssss!!!! Tell me whether you watched the videos I posted for you guys!
Anywaysss,,, CHINESE GUY ROCKSS!!!
Who said being a chinese sucks??? Well, duh! Girls... I hate girls.. You know what I mean
*Farting noises* Hehe.. I bought this thing called Dr.Fart! It has like 6 different farts!! Haha..
The first fart is called :
The second fart is called :
The third fart is called :
The forth fart is called :
The fifth fart is called :
And the last fart isssss :::
Ta-da!!!! Awesome eh??? Hehe.. :}]
So uhh.. be sure to watch the movie or I'll regret making it.. I spent 15 minutes doing it so please watch it...
Posted by Sherlyne at 9:55 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 7, 2009
A Walk To Remember :)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
I hope you guys love this movie :) It's really really sad.. :( I watched it and cried. It's a old movie but I guess you guys might like it :)
Posted by Sherlyne at 5:56 AM 0 comments
To the ugly, BUMBLE FOOF *cough* suck-ish name *cough*
Dear Bumble Foof,
You called me a loser just because I like country music. Well, FUCK OFF ASSCRACK!
Well, *chuckles* I bet you are a bigger loser than I am *smiles proudly* You think I actually care what you say? I'm just annoyed about the fact that you hate me, but you come to my blog. Which means you LOVE me. Why thank you :)
I know you loooveee me sooo much. You're my number 1 fan! Yay! Congrats!
I bet you are very happy! :D
So here's ANOTHER note :)
Dear number 1 fan (Bumble foof),
You are the worst fan I have ever had. Dont be sad baby. I bet someone else would appreciate you *pouts sarcasticly*.
Have a horrifying holiday and worst of luck for your future life :)
Love always,
Sherlyne :)
Posted by Sherlyne at 5:36 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Watch at your own risk... IT'S DISGUSTING!!!
Cui Li : Ew.. don't watch it!
Sherlyne : Watch it!!!! Oh and here's a Shane Dawson update ---->
Hehe.. this is funny..lol.
Sherlyne ;)
Posted by Sherlyne at 12:51 AM 0 comments