Saturday, October 31, 2009

Posted by Sherlyne at 8:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Boys like girls ft Taylor Swift - Two is better than one
The lyrics wil be on the next post :)
Posted by Sherlyne at 7:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 23, 2009
It made me laugh like hell!! Hahahahahahha!!! Watch it and love it and be sure to laugh!
Posted by Sherlyne at 6:48 AM 0 comments
Hey guys! This is to my friend, Lexa.
Lexaa!! I miss you soo much! I havent spoken a word to you in ages! I really really miss you and so does Jean! I really hope to see you soon... :(
:) Talk to you soon!
Posted by Sherlyne at 2:28 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
My dogs got jabbed :(
Heyzzzz!!! *Smiley face*
My dogs just got an injection :) Hahaha.. it was so funny... ahh...
The first 2 who got the jab was Rocky(golden retriever) and Giggs (Mixed breed)..
And the last was,,,,,
Love! My maltese.. hehe... She was sooo scared!!! She was crying when the needle when in..lol. After that, she ran to a corner and started crying. And now she's angry at everyone at home.. hehe..
Anyways,, bye
Posted by Sherlyne at 5:16 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
My eyes hurt so badly..
Wednesday, 21th October 2009
My eyes are freaking painful! I can barely keep them open but it's too early to sleep =). It's like... 8:26 p.m right now. I usually sleep at 10 something and wake up at 3 a.m then sleep again = D
From now on, I'm gonna try to remember to put a date on every post that I make :)
Anywayzz,, let's talk about today.
Jean came to school today!! Woo Hoo! Sadly, Pei Ying, Nicholas and Roshan weren't there.. = (
But it was fun.. I guess..
It wasn't the day that I expected.thought that all of us were gonna be having fun but guess what? I got angry at "someone" . She was like.. let's just say .. not letting me talk to Jean.
For example :
1. When I'm standing next to Jean, she tries to come in the middle.
2. When I'm standing in the middle, she tries to push me aside to be in the middle.
That's why.. And I'm still angry at her and not even a "sorry" will make me forgive her for doing that. I will NEVER forgive her for THAT. But now I'm good with her.. but I wont forgive her for that.
Do you know what I mean? It's like you're friends with her but you will never forgive her for doing that.. Yea.. NEVER.
Anywayz, :D
It was a great day :)
Great thing :
1. I got to see Jean :) I miss her ... And even when I see her, I miss her
2. I got to eat chicken wings in class :P Yummy!
3. Nikki called me an asshole and got in trouble for that :) Yay! For the trouble part.
4. I FINALLY pointed the middle finger at Estine :) *She's a bitch*
5. Hehe.. my brother is forced to let me use his comp :) TEE HEE!
6. There's gonna be a halloween part on the 30th October and Jean is gonna be there! (tell me if
you wanna come too. But i need to know by 24th October)
7. During class, we made macaroni families :)
Bad things :
1. The thing I posted up there.
2. My eyes hurt soo badly ( I cried after school when Jean was about to leave)
3. I had to see Jean crying ( I HATE seeing her cry.. It makes me feel guilty. She's my best
best friend.. so is Pei Ying , Dayana , Roshan , Nicholas and Annli)
4. I just hate "her" .. n0 not "her" . The other "HER".
5. I hate how Jean had to leave..
6. My aircorn is to cold (it's not on.. lol.)
7. My dog pooped in my room.. --.-- (Thanks alot Love..)
8. My arm hurts because of "someone" (You know who you are!)
I guess that's pretty much it..
Question of the day :
Who is your role model/idol ?
Answer in the chat box!
Posted by Sherlyne at 5:25 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Hey guys!
There's this person called "Hater" and he/she claims to be ME!
It's not me! WTF?! GET OFF MY BLOG HATER!!!!!
Posted by Sherlyne at 1:27 AM 0 comments
Day of relaxation = )
*Totally relaxed* What up, yo!
*Back to normal* Anywayzzz,,,
Jean is in 1 Utama... *British accent* Doing what, you asked??
DYING *Evil song comes out* DUN DUN DUN!!!
Yea.. Jean, her mom and her sister are wedding dress shopping. I dont know who's wedding it is but I do know that Jean is suffering right now = )
She told me that she already got her dress but her sister is taking a loooooonnnnggg time to shop... Poor girl(Jean)...
No seriously..
Trust me.. I've been through those stuff ... *Flashback to when my cousin sister and aunty took me shopping* *Shivers then glares*
I'm using my bro's comp and it's really hard to type! Ugh!!!
Soooo annoying!! PFFFTTTT = D
Reminder = Tell me 4 songs you like that I dont have in my playlist and I'll put it in my playlist.
Anywayz,.,, yesterday, I went for a haircut with my cousin sister and Annli.. It was miserable :(
My hair is soo freakin short!!! Gah!!!!
Annli is soo evil! She told the hair cutter to cut my hair till shoulder lenght! *Glares at Annli who's not even here*
And and and! After I got my hair cut, I said to my cousin : "If you love me, you would've asked them to stop cutting my hair before it reached my shoulders "
Then I put on a sad look :(
Lol.. After that, we went to look at clothes for some reason. Annli wanted to buy a pink skirt but she didn't have any money so I offered to buy it for her cause I had RM220 in my bag but noooooooo , she didn't want it. Pft!
Well,, I'm really really bored :) As usual...
My dad's laptop is at my cousin sister's house. We live 1 house away from eachother :)
So we pratically eat at eachother's house almost everyday.
And my cousin sister even said we aren't like cousins anymore. More like sisters and brothers , Lol!
Question of the day :
Do you find monkeys in diapers adorable?
Answer in the chat box :)
END OF POST (Btw, for this colour thing, I didn't copy Annli. She copied me. So dont come here and say : "Why did you copy Annli?!" I didnt! This was MY ORIGINAL idea. She didn't even asked if she could use it so I'm saying the word "COPIED".)
That is all :)
Posted by Sherlyne at 12:56 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
Dont use my method.. I only want it to be used on MY blog.. so dont copy
Posted by Sherlyne at 7:28 AM 0 comments
Suggest at least 4 songs for ..............
I need a favor from all of you!
Just name me 4 songs that I dont have on my playlist that you like and I'll download them so that all of you can listen to what you like! :)
I know... I'm sooo thoughtful :D Hahaha.. jk.
Anywayz,,, I noticed that I've said alot of anywayszz :D
Anywayzzz (here i go again :D ) I am bored..
Hehe.. Remember! Name me 4 songs that you like that i dont have in my playlist
Posted by Sherlyne at 4:37 AM 0 comments
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! WHY ME?!?!?! WHY ME?!?!?
*Crying* H-hi.. :(
My hair is G.O.N.E GONE.!
I went for a hair cut... my cousin sister and Annli were there too.. but they didn't cut their hair. Mine is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosooooooooooooooooooooooossssssoooooooooooooooo short..
Anywayzzz.... yea..
short hair.. very very short...
Sherlyne.. A.K.A Really sad girl because she had to cut her hair even though she doesn't want to but she has to so it's really really short.
Posted by Sherlyne at 3:41 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Going for a hair cut -= (
I'm about to cut my hair as SHORT as Annli....
Sooo damn short.
I'm scard of short hair.. :(
Anywayz,, Annli is following me to the hair salon for some very awkward reason... --.--
Hope you like the songs in the Notebook like MP3 :)
Well, Bye bye!
Posted by Sherlyne at 11:56 PM 0 comments
Demi Lovato - Lo Que Soy (This is me)
Heyzzzz!!! Enjoy this video! It's a Spanish version of This Is Me from Camp Rock.
Annli is digging her ear with an ear bud while laughing... weird right?
Posted by Sherlyne at 11:53 PM 0 comments
The Clerk Job Interview --.--
A boss has to interview four girls for a clerk's position.
He thought of a questionand asked each one of them:
Boss : "A woman normally has two mouths, What's the difference between the two?
"The first one answered : One can talk but the other can't.
Second answered : one is vertical and the other is horizontal.
Third answered : one is hairy, the other isn't.
The last one answered : One is for my use and the other is for my boss.
Boss : You're hired !!
Posted by Sherlyne at 9:02 PM 0 comments
Demi Lovato & Selena Gomez - One And The Same
Posted by Sherlyne at 8:57 PM 0 comments
What I'm doing right now...
Holaaazz!! I'm eating a toasted bread with sausage, tomato saused meat and cheese.
The end!
Lol.. I'm just kiding!!!
My dog is starring at me weirdly --.--
the end for real!
Posted by Sherlyne at 7:36 PM 0 comments
My new Music thingy!!!
Heyzzz peeepssssspleeeezzzzzz!!!
I finally uploaded a ipod thingy thanks to JESSICA!!!!
*Crowd cheers* WOO HOO!! YEAH!!! GO JESSY!!!
I dont have alot of cool songs but but but!
I have a cool music pod thingy! It's sooo nice yea? I picked the colour and stuff ! Aww shucks!
Well,,, hope you like it!
BEFORE I go !!!! I found this cool yet disgusting pic!!!

= )
Posted by Sherlyne at 6:33 PM 0 comments
Japanese Prank
Hahahahaha!!! It made me laugh to death!!!! I watched it like 37 times already and it still makes me laugh!!!!
Posted by Sherlyne at 5:25 AM 0 comments
Selena Gomez - Falling Down
Yay!!! I'm sooo obsessed with uploading videos on my blog!!!! :) :) :)
Posted by Sherlyne at 5:21 AM 0 comments
Miley Cyrus - Party In The U.S.A :S
Hehe.. slut.. but nice song though = )
Posted by Sherlyne at 5:18 AM 0 comments
Demi Lovato - Gift Of A Friend = )
Thanks lots to Jesss = )))))
Wee pee!!!
Haha.. wee pee is like we are peeing :S
Posted by Sherlyne at 5:10 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Happy Birthday, Jo and Kor(never knew how to spell that..) !!!!
Holaazzz people of planet Doom Doom Butt!! Lol..
Yesterday was my cousin brothers's birthday!!! Their both twins . Sadly, one of them is in Australia so we called him and wished him Happy Birthday!
They turned 18. The party was CRAZY!
There were sooo many collage people!!!
I did nothing but watched T.V and walked around --.--. After blowing the cake, I walked home. Yes yes.. I said "walk". We live one house away. = )
All the collage girls wanted to see my niece! She was soo cute! But grumpy : (
Well,, bye bye!
Posted by Sherlyne at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Today's life = )
Posted by Sherlyne at 2:52 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 16, 2009
When Jean grows up, her and her family will take a journey to the Bermuda Triangle with me!
I'm gonna tell a very interesting story about a silly girl *Cough* Jean *Cough*.
Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Jean. When she was young, she has always wanted to go to the Bermuda Triangle. Her friend, Sherlyne, thought that she was crazy.
So, Sherlyne made fun of her. By saying :::
Sherlyne : *Laughs* Hey Jean! One day when you go to the Bermuda Triangle, your children would be like, Mommy is sooo foolish and blah blah blah.
So, Jean got mad and crazy and turned herself into a Unicorn. She flew over the rainbow and into the bermuda triangle. Suprisingly, she died.
Wasn't that interesting? Yes, yes it was.
Psssttt!!! Jean burped.---...---
Bye bye !
Posted by Sherlyne at 11:29 PM 0 comments
I'm sorry and I really mean it...
I'm so sorry.. I really didn't meant to make you hate me. It was her! Back then, I was too weak to loose her cause I thought that she makes me feel.. useful. But now, I feel like a trash.
You were always a good friend to me and I wasn't. And I'm really sorry for that. I hate myself as much as you do right now. But please dont say you dont want to be friends with me anymore.
I'm not wanting anything from you. I just want to be friends for life. When I was down, you were there for me. And I'm grateful of that.
I'm just a selfish bitch with a stupid ass head for doing does things to you.
I feel terrible...
But I'm begging you to not suggest that we dont be friends anymore.. I would kill myself to keep you with me.
I dont want to loose a friend like you.. You're too special to me
But I cannot lie that you've been a little bossy and pushy in the past. But you've changed soo much in soo many good ways I cant describe.
I dont like seeing you being hurt or crying. It makes me wanna die.
I'm soo sorry, Jean.
But if you really cant take it and dont wanna be friends anymore, that's fine.
But just remember, what you choose is what you'll have forever.
Posted by Sherlyne at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Best b'day party evaaaa!!!!
Heyzzz peesple!
I just came back from Dayana's birthday party at Cineleasure!!!! Woo Hoo! I was sooo hyper as soon as I entered the cinema!! It was in the Platimun class! Sooo cool!!
We watched Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs!! We had our own personal butler!
Psstt!! Dayana's brother is perverted!
I'm soo bored right now. There's 2 girls beside me.. right now. One is 10 and the other one is 6.
I'm bored.. I like learning spanish!!!
Bye bye :)
Haha.. short post.
Posted by Sherlyne at 5:08 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Banana creamed donut is just too good !
I'm sooo happy right now!
I'm eating a banana creamed donut and I'm loving it!!!
You should try it! You'll love it to death!
Right now, im listening to this song called A Place In This World by Taylor Swift
Well, bye!
Eat donuts!
Posted by Sherlyne at 7:46 AM 0 comments
What should it be called?
Heyzzzz peesple!!!!
I'm sooo happyyy!!! Why? Because I'm good with Annli again!!!
Well,,, I'm thinking about making a new blog cause this one is getting old.. = (
What should I call it???
Options :
1. alwaysstayloyaltoyourfriends.blogspot.com (always stay loyal to your friends)
2. sherlyneincapital.blogspot.com (sherlyne in capital)
3. totallyrandomandunusual.blogspot.com (totally random and unusual)
4. thedefinationofweird.blogspot.com (the defination of weird)
5. iamlikealionintheforest.blogspot.com (i am like a lion in the forest) (LOL)
6. livetoparty.blogspot.com (live to party) ( i heart partying!!!)
7. soveryrandomandfun.blogspot.com (so very random and fun )
8. wildgirlontheloose.blogspot.com (wild girl on the loose) (hahahaha... )
9.girlwithbigdreams.blogspot.com (girl with big dreams)
10. foreverandalwayslovingmyfriends.blogspot.com (forever and always loving my friends)
11. aperfectlygoodheart.blogspot.com (a perfectly good heart )
Welp! That's all!!!! :)
I'm gonna chat with Irah now = )
Bye bye!!!
Posted by Sherlyne at 4:03 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Just finished dinner :)
14th October 2009
Heyzzzzz!!! I just finished dinner and I decided to post again :)
I have nothing better to do.
I'm in a hot room right now. There's no aircorn or fan and I'm still freezing cold!
Btw, does my new hair style suit me? Just asking :)
My cousin sister(the one who came back from Australia.. Jureen) might take me for a hair cut :(
Bye bye hair.. :(
I can't imagine myself with short hair.. but Annli can :D
Do any of you guys like whipped cream? I don't like the milk-ness lol..
My dog is bagging for food downstairs while my aunty is talking about... stuff
Anywayzzz, tell me if you want me to put more pictures in most of my post. = )
= )
Posted by Sherlyne at 4:40 AM 0 comments
Worst school day :@
Hey :(
Today is the worst day ever...
14th October 2009 ..
Jet and Roy accused me on breaking their wooden project that's wasn't even complete.
I was putting a raw spaghetti in Robbie's shirt and I walked away without bangging into anything. If I did, i would've looked back and see what it was but I didn't cause I didn't do it.
Stupid Jet and Roy.. Jet pointed the middle finger at me and so did Roy.
Even Li Shen was backing up for them! And Li Shen even calls himself a "nice guy". If he was a nice guy, he would've ask us to forgive and forget. REAL NICE , LI SHEN! *Sarcastic*
Anyways,,, Sadly,,, Jet and Roy are gonna be at Dayana's party.. now there's my problem.
Dayana hates Daivinn for I dunno what reason and I HATE Roy and Jet for a really reasonable reason.
Stupid people..
Here.. let me describe them
Roy - Gay, humps people's leg, likes touching "things", really really sick minded and likes annoying girls.. --.--
*Clears throat*
Well, my cousins and aunty are about to come over for dinner... and I just woke up from my sleep.
Here's my story before sleeping.
I took a bath, lay down on my bed and started reading Breaking Dawn, my dog annoyed me by her bark, I pushed her out of my room, I decided to sleep, woke up and now I'm posting = )
My brother is watching Shakugan whatever and GROSS! There's this part where a girl is naked in the hot tub and a boy went to her and hugged her and another boy touched her boobs and all the girl did was blush --.-- ...
My cousins and aunty came!!
Bye bye!!
Posted by Sherlyne at 4:29 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
In class = )
Yo,yo,yo ! Wassupp humans!!! Peesple!! Lesbos! Gays! Monkeys! Retards!! Simpsons Fans!! Hobos! Bug eaters! Shirts! Hands! People who eat worms!
Cat lovers! *Cough* Dayana *Cough*
= D
I'm in class right now and the teacher thinks that I'm using the computer for a research. WRONG! I'm blogging ! For you guys! Lol..
Jean and I talked to Alexandra again! She's soo fun! Try talking to her and you wont be able to stop. And and and! She's soo loyal to her friends! Isn't that nice?!
*British accent* Why yes darling, it is.
Anyways, Annli and Elton are beside me right now. Ohh... Adam and Elton are fighting! DRAMAAA!!!!!
Not really... I'm so freaking bored to death!
Ms.Jamie isn't here today :( But, there's this teacher who I do not know the name in our class. She's not really talkative = )...
Adam and Elton are fighting again :( Over a chair... Lol.. weird... lame.. not really.
The other boys are drawing stuff.. doing project.
Annli says : Hi... *Bored face*
You know... I like earthworms = ) Their sooo friendly!!! Annli just told me something and I didn't really bother listening.. I "pretended" to listen =D
Last night, my dad called me mischivious.. --.--
Haha.. Isn't that face cute? --.--
Hehe... Pei and Annli are talking about anime.. Something I dont care. =D I'm not into animes.
Zakirah is here now =D !!! Yay!! Smileyyyy!!!!
Hahaha... She's laughing at dunno what = )
OOOO!!! So many people! Annli said : Kitty cat! Kitty cat! In a baby voice.
And now Annli said : Oi! Kitty cat! Seriously..
I dont get the "seriously" part.. --.-- lol..
Adam is being snoopy.. looking at my post..
While smilling... then laughed a little bit = )
Annli is a bird....
Hehe.. The one on the left looks like Robbie = )
Well, I AM bored..
Annli says : Japanese Porn
Bye bye!
Dayana's party is coming soon!!!
Posted by Sherlyne at 6:11 PM 0 comments
My best friends =)
1. Jean
2. Annli
3. Dayana
4. Pei Ying
5. Jessica
6. Zakirah
7. Roshan
8. Rocky (My dog)
And lastly..
My dad = ) My bestest bud! I love him so much.
I'll always be your little girl, daddy :) I dont ever wanna leave you.
Posted by Sherlyne at 5:38 AM 0 comments
2 of my favourite songs = )
Hey everybody!
I wanna tell you my two favourite songs.. One is a dad and daugther song and the other one is about kids without homes and proper parents.
1. Tim McGraw - My Little Girl (This song reminds me alot of my dad and me when we're having fun and someday I will be moving out and living with a new family. )
2. Jennette McCurdy - Homeless Heart (This song reminds me of how lucky I am to be living with a "full" family. At least I have my real dad. And it makes me realize that some unlucky kids are wanting what I have.)
Yea.. But! My favourite of all is...
Tim McGraw - My Little Girl
It makes me cry sometimes..
I dont want to grow up!
I wanna stay Daddy's Little Girl =(
Well, I cant get everything I want
Bye !
Posted by Sherlyne at 5:26 AM 0 comments
Homeless Heart by Jennette McCurdy
YO,YO,YO! Wassup peesple!!!
I just heard and watched the most beautiful
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNzQVtir9Aw&feature=related The ending is sooo sad :(
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlivlPoD070 (Tribute to Cody Waters)
Jennette McCurdy is a really sweet girl in reality.
She said that she was so fortunate to meet Cody Waters(Boy who has brain cancer). Sadly, he passed away. She talk about it on her interview. She even tributed a song to him! It's called Homeless Heart. I have the link on number 2.
Here is the lyrics for Homeless Heart by Jennette McCurdy --->
Lonesome stranger
With a crowd around you
I see who you are
You joke, they laugh
Til the show is over
Then you fall so hard
If you're needing
A soul-to-soul connection
I'll run to your side
When you're lost in the dark
When you're out in the cold
When you're looking for something that resembles your soul
When the wind blows your house of cards
I'll be a home to your homeless heart
Open close me
Leave your secrets with me
I can ease your pain
And my arms will be
Just like walls around you
Come in from the rain
If you're running
In the wrong direction
I will lead you back
When you're lost in the dark
When you're out in the cold
When you're looking for something that resembles your soul
When the wind blows your house of cards
I'll be a home to your homeless heart
Shattered like a mirror
In a million pieces
Sooner or later
You've got to find
Something someone
To find you and save you
When you're lost in the dark
When you're out in the cold
When you're looking for something that resembles your soul
When the wind blows your house of cards
I'll be a home to your homeless heart
When you're looking for something that resembles your soul
When the wind blows your house of cards
I'll be a home to your homeless heart
I'll be a home to your homeless heart
That's all of it! Took me 3 minutes so you BETTER watch it! It's really worth it! I cant believe she's such a nice girl. That poor boy, Cody Waters, died.. She was on her interview when she said it and I'm sure that it was a really hard time for her.
May you rest in peace, Cody Waters. He was a sweet boy = )
Bye bye!
(P.S = Dayana's party is soon!! I bought her the perfect present!)
Posted by Sherlyne at 3:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
Raining Sunshine by Miranda Cosgrove *Lyrics*
Heyzzzzzzz !!!! I'm gonna write down the Raining Sunshine lyrics sang by Miranda Cosgrove. It was requested by Jean on the chat box. If you guys want any lyrics by any singers, just say it in the chat box.
Raining Sunshine Lyrics --- >
Sunshine, Sunshine, Raining, Sunshine
When you think all hope is gone
There's a place somewhere beyond
Take a chance and realize
It's right before your very eyes
Leave the dark clouds far behind
And step outside, the weather's fine
It's raining sunshine,
It's raining sunshine
All over mankind
It's raining sunshine
As real as it can be,
Believe in what you see.
Not just in your mind.
It's raining sunshine..
Sunshine, Sunshine, Raining, Sunshine..
Sunshine, Sunshine, Raining, Sunshine..
Somethin's in the atmosphere,
Don't be scared of what you fear.
Look around, the storm has passed,
Just hurricanes of happiness.
Raise up your umbrellas high,
And stand beneath, the clear blue sky..
It's raining sunshine
It's raining sunshine
All over manking
It's raining sunshine
As real as it can be
Believe in what you see
Not just in your mind
It's raining sunshine..
Too many wonders to explain
Rays of sunlight, drops of rain
Coming down from up above
Cloudy with a chance of love.
Can't you feel it in the air?
Sweet sensations everywhere
Whatever wearther is in store,
Bring it on, because I want more..
Sunshine, Sunshine, Raining, Sunshine..
Sunshine, Sunshine, Raining, Sunshine..
It's raining sunshine
It's raining sunshine
All over mankind
It's raining sunshine
As real as it can be
Believe in what you see..
It's not just in your mind,It's raining sunshine...
Welp... that's all. Get it? Welp? Hahahah! Oh Sherlyne!
Welp, bye bye!
Posted by Sherlyne at 4:03 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Let's talk about love (Build-A-Bear!!)
I'm sure that some of you know Build A Bear!
I've been there once... Loved it!!!
And now I'm listening to the song called Let's Talk About Love by many singers
One of the singers are....
Their amazing!!
I love it soo much!!
Let's talk about love, let's talk about peace
Sooo nice!!!
Be sure to check it out!
Posted by Sherlyne at 5:21 AM 0 comments
Australian girl = D
Heyz peesple!
So there's this australian girl on my chat box and she is soo nice!
Me and Jean were talking to her for hours! (Actually 30 over mins)
Anywayz, she comes online every night. She's so nice! I love her to bits!
Her name is Alexandra and she's 13 years old
Be sure to chat with her! You'll love her!
Posted by Sherlyne at 5:16 AM 0 comments
Did you know????
Heyzzzzz peesplee!!!!
Thanks LOTS to Zakirah, I found out Miranda Cosgrove's songs!! Their A.M.A ZING!
So I went to Wikipedia to look for songs sang by Miranda Cosgrove and here's what I found --->
1. About You Now
3.Christmas Wrapping
5.Headphones On
6.Leave It All To Me
7.Raining Sunshine (From Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs)
8.Stay My Baby
If you want the lyrics to these songs, just say it in the CHAT BOX
Posted by Sherlyne at 5:01 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I cant believe it!!!
*Sob*.... The Spanish people are gone for good... i swore i remember seeing them!
Posted by Sherlyne at 7:47 AM 0 comments
OMG!! I'm So HAPPY!!!
Hey peesple!!!
I feel so happy!! Alot of people are on my blog and I have NO IDEA where they found it. They even speak Spanish!! Ahhh!!! It's a dream come true!
Me siento tan feliz motivo hay mucha gente en mi blog! Y hablan español!! I love it! Es como un sueño hecho realidad!
Sherlyne =)
Posted by Sherlyne at 7:42 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
Jean... I really miss you. ALOT! More than you ever think I am.. Please try to come back? You're one of my BEST friends..
Posted by Sherlyne at 6:59 AM 0 comments
Quizes I took
Heys peesple!!!!!
I'm taking a few quiz from facebook right now and my first quiz is called : What type of music suits you.
And the answer issss...
I love country music! Like Taylor Swift and Jennette McCurdy.
The quiz answer says,,
you are very chilled person living life your way. falling in love is very important to you. country is you style
The falling in love part... not really ready but it's true
The 2nd quiz...
JMC Horses (I dont really get it)
I'm gonna take it now... brb.
I'm a Kaspar!!!
What's a Kaspar?
It says that :
You love to play around and not take things seriously sometimes, but nobody can blame you with your loving personality. You love your friends and you also get worried easily.
Hey!! I'm exactly like that!!! Cool!
3rd quiz...
What's your gangsta name.. lol.. that's my 3rd quiz
nvm... that quiz are for boys..lol
3rd quiz...
What is your teenage love story.. hmm... Yep , I'll take that =)
The answer!!!
Possibly Maybe..
okay so you think this may last forever but is there any flaws that there hiding?? are they actually themseleves or is it a act. Honesty is the best way to find out!
Yea... I'm not really in LOVE with anyone for now. Too young. Not ready. I'm not gonna be like...
Well, bye bye!!! Hope you liked this post.. HOPE
Posted by Sherlyne at 5:11 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Random title =D

Posted by Sherlyne at 12:59 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Amazing person
Hey peesple!!! This is about an amazing girl named Jessica Chen Sue Lyn. She has a talent of a Pianoist and a brilliant friend.
Check out her Piano cover for Love Story by Taylor Swift
She's awesome!
Childhood friend and almost like a sister to me =)
She has a beautiful family and all of them are worth every thing on Earth.
Bless you and your family, Jess
Posted by Sherlyne at 7:45 AM 0 comments