Heyzzz peesple!!! Hehe... = )
I dont have any idea when it comes to title ... lol.. give me ideas? Nahhh..
Anyways,, I've been going out ALOT. Yesterday, I went for trick or treating at Valencia with Pei Ying and Jean and lots of Sri KDU people were there.
The whole 6WW was there, Daivinn was there, that evil prefect Kevin was there, Nikki*disgusted face* was there, Micheal *almost puking* was *chokes* there, standard 5 Sri KDU kids were there and sooo many more.. :P
AND , the day before yesterday (P.S - Today is Sunday), I went to a halloween party with Jessica, Jean , Cuili and Annli. It was such a "fun" day!
My dad was dancing and stuff. haha.. He was dressed up as a cowboy. lol.
And then, there was a competition for best wearing costume. So, I pushed Jean up to the stairs like stage and treatened her that I would throw my shoe at her mouth if she gets down the stage.
And here's the funny part, she had to do a CATWALK! hahaha... I laughed so hard that I peed in my pants.. literally.. no seriously, I did. Go ask Cui Li if you dont believe :)
Anywayssss,,,,, I'm so darn bored right now... I'm about to go to Sunway Pyramid to buy some shoes and next week, I'm inviting Jean, Pei Ying, Cui Li and Annli to Pyramid to go clothes shopping... *sigh* I hate shopping...
Random dude : If you hate shopping, why are you going?! Weirdo!
Sherlyne : Who you calling weirdo?! You're the weird one! Who are you anyways???
Random dude : You blind? I'm random dude!!!
Sherlyne : Uhh.. DUH! I can see that but whats your NAMEE!!!
Random dude : Non of your boo boo buisness!
Sherlyne : Boo boo? Whatever, get lost!
Random dude : Hehe...
Sherlyne : --.--
Anyways,, that was the story of random dude and Sherlyne *clap clap*
Yea.. I'm going shopping cause I'm going to L.A in a few weeks soo.. yea.. I'm gonna miss 6 Edison soo much.. If only Jean and Arman stayed.. :(
Everybody misses them..
So, yea! That's all! Wanna see random dude pic?? Here it is ----->

*Cranky* Watcha lookin at?! You got a problem?! Go eat poop! Clean your toungue!! Anything but looking at me and my beautiful body!!!
Bye byeee!!!
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